Author Archives: bipolardaily
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Things I Draw For My Nephew
Reasons Why I Personally Feel Like Superman the Greatest Superhero

“I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles…” -Christopher Reeve If you know anything about Superman great if not that’s ok, I’m going to keep it basic. Superman is sent to earth as the last son of Krypton… Continue reading
Making T-Shirts 1
Panda TV

Click On Image To View Full Size Medium: Mixed Media Air Dry Clay, Paper Towels, Cardboard, Recycled/ Scrap Paper, Craft Sticks, Floral Foam, Masking Tape, Picture Frames, Shelf Liner, Tissue Paper, Empty Bottles, Bleach, Screws, Battery Operated Lights, Vinyl Paper, Glass Beads, Wooden Beads, Wooden Shapes, Picture Wire, Yarn, Latch Hook… Continue reading
90’s Throwback Characters 1
Codependent, Interdependent, and Counterdependent Relationships

What is Codependence? Can be defined as an extreme need for emotional or psychological dependence on another person. These are ussually people who deal with an illness or addiction. What is Interdependence? These are ussually people who are heavily reliant on eachother or on something. What is Counterdependency? When someone… Continue reading
Turning Unused Coffee Mugs and Bowls Into Flower Pots
Become A Featured Artist!

Requirements: At least 5-10 pieces of Art (signed and dated by the artist. A mini bio including your: 1) Name 2) At least 5 or more sentences about who you are 3) A description of the pieces you’ve included and the medium(s) that you used to create those pieces 4)… Continue reading