What’s in my tank Currently? Also, Check out my Crabbitat Purchase List. Hope that this is helpful to anyone just starting the process.
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Base Tank: 75-gallon, 48 x 18x21in”
- Substrate = Eco Erath & Playground Sand
- 2.5-gallon pools
- Black aquarium rocks
- Black River Rock
- DIY Stairs
- Resin aquarium plants / coral
- Waterproof Multicolor light
- Air Bubbler’s + Pump
- 3 – 5-gallon fish tank filters
- Tap water + water primer / Ocean Salt
- Zip Ties for cords
- Aquarium Plants and decorations
- Two types of hamster wheels (one lined with choya wood and plastic canvas)
- Driftwood
- Feeding bowl
- Heating pad
- Thermostat
- Temperature gauge
- Duct Tape
- DIY Custom glass lid
- Tank Light with day and night cycle
- Shell Shop
Tank Topper: Exo Tera 18X18X18 in”
- Ceiling gride light
- Artificial Plants (Glow in the dark)
- Jute Cord
- Temperature Gauge
- Heating Pad
- Tank Light
- Aquarium Grade Silicon
- Black paint
Tank Sand
Extension Cord
Wood (Lowes) 1X2X8in” cut into pieces for extra support.
Bins for extra supplies
Tackle box for extra shelves
Plastic bottle for mist water (to keep humidity just in case)
Sand scoop (to clean substrate)
Fish tank vacuum (to make it easier to clean pools)
Bucket (dedicated for draining pool water)
Empty water jug for mixing salt and prime water
Fish tank squeegee skit
Hot Glue
Coconut huts
Travel Tanks / Quarantine Tank
Leaf litter
Zip Ties