Codependent, Interdependent, and Counterdependent Relationships

What is Codependence?

Can be defined as an extreme need for emotional or psychological dependence on another person. These are ussually people who deal with an illness or addiction.

What is Interdependence?

These are ussually people who are heavily reliant on eachother or on something.

What is Counterdependency?

When someone refuses to form attachment or allow themselves to fill basic needs or have needs met by others.

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  • "Black and Third World people are expected to educate White people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate Men. Lesbians and Gay men are expected to educate the Heterosexual world. The Opressors maintain their position and evade their responsibilityfor their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redifining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future."

    -Audre Lourde