Sims4 The Apocalypse Challenge

These rules were found on The Apocalypse Challenge – Attempt to adaptation — The Sims Forums

The following is a set of harsh restrictions the family must obey. Each set of restrictions is tied to a specific career field. When a Sim reaches level 10 in that career field (except alien technology), that restriction is lifted. A single Sim may only lift one restriction in his or her lifetime (alien technology can be the exception and lifted as well as a career restriction).

• Only Sims part of the bloodline and the spouses to heirs can unlock restrictions. Adopted Sims and spouses to non-heirs cannot lift any restrictions.
• You may only play with lifespan set to normal.
• Spares may not take spouses and children produced by spares (via visitor woohoo) may not lift restrictions.
• No Sim in the household may sleep outdoors.
• You may not change your sim’s aspiration until you have completed it.
• The ONLY Sims that may be moved into the Legacy family are Sims that will directly contribute to the birth of the next generation. (In other words, the spouse of each heir.)
• Cheats, mods, or hacked objects that would give you an unfair advantage over a player who didn’t have or use them may not be used. You can only use cheats to fix bugs (i.e. resetsim). You can use any custom object as long as its cost, ability and mood fulfillment exactly mirrors an existing ‘official’ object.
• If an object has no value, (such as a used up Aspiration Reward), you may delete it, regardless of existing restrictions.
• Objects that were allowed that are no longer allowed due to a rule change may be sold via buy mode without penalty.
• To win the challenge, you must lift all restrictions. If you wish to keep score, count the number of days your family is in existence from the day you placed your founder on his/her lot and add 100 points to each life aspiration completed (not counting those before your Founder moves in alone). I find the easiest way is to write a tic mark down once per sim week.

**If you do accidentally break a rule, just fix your mistake – make up for it, and continue. As long as it was just an honest mistake, you don’t need to consider failing the challenge.

It is suggested that you start a game where you destroy all the premade lots (except venues). Remake the houses with the housing rules below, if you feel creative. You may add your houses or use community houses with the #apocalypse. You can populate as well with Legacy spouses on the Gallery, or if no, just leave the ‘fill empty homes’ option on. Make sure to create a fresh, save for your game. Once you have cleared and prepared your world, it is suggest making a new save, so you can always start from that neighborhood without redoing it all.

Fun idea:
Given the sims 4 has no zombies, like TS2 did, you can add a few family of unnatural color and possibly even proportions, and consider the world filled with radioactive mutants rather than zombies.

First, you need to create your founder. The founder can be male or female. If you wish to play with esthetic rules, you can only use clothing that is “grungy looking”.

• The founder starts as a child. You must make him or her in a family that can have as many members as you wish. You can however, only play your founder (you may give jobs to the parents and make them pay the bills but that’s it).
• You can build your home how you like (no cheating allowed though) and play normally for this time.
• Your founder may not publish any book during child/teens as royalties would keep on coming in and publishing companies had to start over post-apocalypse.
• Play through child years and teenage years. Once you reach young adult, the moment you have your last trait and aspiration picked (choose carefully!), you must move your sim to the lot you will play the challenge on!
• Your childhood lot must be bulldoze and the rest of the family evicted. The apocalypse happens during your move. If you want to be dramatic, you can kill off your family (maybe one day your sim will care.)

NOTE: If you want more of a challenge, start as a teen or young adult!

Moving out:
• The family lot must be on a desert or dirt tile set (cover if you use Willow Creek). Move him or her into a large empty lot (one of the lots in the expensive neighborhoods of Willow Creek or Oasis Spring).
• There must be no trees, flowers or shrubs on the lot.
• You must build a structure with a minimum of 4 walls, a roof and a door. You need to keep that polluted air out! You must also use a foundation (and therefore small stairs) as the ground is still covered with radioactive dust. Building a house on stilts also works.
• You may alternatively, have a camp ground on an empty lot. There must still be no vegetation, but you may use any seat and outdoor retreat furniture. You may only have one tent until kids are born, then a second can be purchased, with a maximum of two tents. You cannot switch once you’ve chosen between camp ground or building a shelter.
• No house decor of any kind (paint, flooring, roof trim, etc.)

IMPORTANT: Be mindful of your first career selection, some will need to lift restrictions in order to advance, such as writer or painter!



“It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.”

The physical effects of the nuclear winter are clear, but it is only half of the devastation. The damage to the population’s mindset and willpower has also been great. People are starting to give up hope and despair has begun to set in. People have no motivation to band together or leave the shelters they have made.

• You cannot move in or marry in any Sims.
• You may not try for baby.

Once your founder reaches the top of a career, (ANY of the careers, it doesn’t matter which), he or she shows the region that the worst is over, and that things can and will begin to get better. A few Sims are even willing to risk traveling the streets to be with the regions new and only ray of hope. You may move-in/marry spouses for your founder and future heirs. You are still restricted to moving in only those who will contribute to the next generation.
NOTE: For those wishing an easier path, you can lift hopelessness once you reach the branching level of your chosen career.

Athlete – Any Branch

“Go ahead and call for help, nobody will listen.”

The local police and fire departments are in shambles and unable to do their job. A strong air of anarchy and lawlessness has swept the region. Violent gangs of anarchists prey on the old and weak.

• Your Sims may not purchase smoke detectors, fire sprinklers (system).
• Children, Teenage and Elder Sims that have less than a 10 Athletic skill may not leave the lot for any reason, including going to work or community lots (except school, they have armored buses).
o Elders do not require 10 Athletic points to move out.
• Your connection to the world is broken, you may not call for help (use the phone for chat, text, call the sadness hotline or any other call except to invite your love interest over).
• You may not purchase exercise equipment.
• Sims in this career may go jogging, but only until career has been maxed.
• Sims may not take vacations in Granite Hills (Do not need Secret Agent lifted to take vacation once Athlete is lifted).

Once a great Athlete from the family emerges, his/her strength is used to clean up the streets and order is restored. Police and firefighters to once again help people. The Athlete restrictions are lifted.

Secret Agent – Any Branch

“The government advises all citizens to lock their doors and remain indoors.”

The mobs of radiated mutants wandering the streets make it unsafe to travel anywhere but a select few highways. Neighborhoods are scattered as nobody is willing to risk traveling just to visit with friends. But what’s a mob of mutants against the best in the trades of villainy? Nothing but useful assistants, really…

• Sims may not travel to any community lots or neighbors houses (however your YA & adult sims may walk around your immediate neighborhood).
• You may not invite over any Sims with two exceptions:
o Sims may invite over other Sims they are boyfriend/girlfriend or are engaged to. (True love knows no fear.)
• These restrictions also apply to Parties, Outings and Dates if they are available.
• You may still hail and socialize with walk-bys as normal.
• Sims may not move out of the house.
• If you cannot go out, you may not use the sell interaction for any objects.
• You may not hire the maid service.
• Sims in this career may go jogging, but only until career has been maxed

Once a fearsome Agent from the family tames the mutant hordes in its service, the streets will become safe to travel again and the Secret Agent restriction is lifted.

Culinary – Chef Branch

“Hunger is the best spice.”

The gas lines and power grid have been severely damaged. Running a gas stove or electric appliance carries too much of a risk. The radiation levels are too high to risk using a microwave either. Food is scarce. The quality of the food the Sims can get is very poor and can bring illness to some. Coffee is now scarce in the region due to supply cuts. Fresh food is non-existent.

• Sims may not purchase or use anything from the Ovens or Small Appliance category except for the cheapest grill (bbq).
• Joining this career unlocks ordering the mixology skillbook.
• You may only purchase the cheapest fridge.
• Coolers may also be purchased, but can only be used once a day per sim until the chef branch is lifted (rationing).
• You may only prepare food once per sim day. Once any Sim has prepared food, no other may do so for the rest of the day. A Sim making a one-serving meal counts.
• Sim babies MUST be breast fed.
• Sims may not store left overs.
• Sims may not prepare food on community lots or eat food littering such lots.
• You may not order Pizza.
• You may not purchase or use the cupcake maker.
• Sims may not hold food in inventory.

First restriction lift:
Once a sim joins the culinary branch, you may purchase the cheaper stove and your sim may cook on it. All food must be cooked food until the restriction is lifted. Only the sim in the culinary branch may use the stove. They may also cook more than once a day, but only one meal can be served (additional meals are deleted). If your sim fails to lift the restriction, you must sell back the stove.

Once a Culinary master emerges from the household, new ways are invented to preserve food. Sims learn better ways to cook the artificial food and how to rewire home appliances so they can be used again. All Culinary – Chef restrictions are lifted.


“It’s the end of the world and you’re wearing THAT?”

Sims don’t care about personal appearance anymore or social status. They would rather be fed and safe than pretty. Cosmetics, hair care supplies, and clothing stores have all been cleaned out by looters or destroyed. Nobody wants to spend any money to bring these items back to the region. As a result, Sims’ appearances and social habits have taken a turn for the worse, leading most to keep to themselves. Large gatherings, socials, brunches and parties have virtually disappeared.

• Sims may only use the Practice Speech on the mirror.
• Sims may not purchase a bar until they are part of the culinary career and only sims in the career can use the bar.
• Sims cannot drink beverages (not even on the fridge).
• Sims may not throw parties of any kind.
• Sims may not have Dates.
• Sims may not wear accessories, hats, tattoos or make-up.
• Sims may not purchase the any brewing appliance.
Once Sims have bought their new threads and gotten all gussied up, they are once again confident enough to organize social gatherings and show off their new looks. All Culinary – Mixology Branch restrictions are lifted.

Criminal – Any Branch

“Nice place you have. I’d hate to see anything bad happen to it.”

The local organized crime family has taken advantage of the lawlessness in the region to set up a protection racket. Joey “The Comb” and his goons force people to pay hefty sums to ensure nothing “bad” happens to what few possessions they have left. While some try to fight the mob, most just give in and pay.

• You may not use any work reward, regardless of restriction lifted, as it may attract criminals to rob you!
• Because the mob controls the remaining production centers, they don’t take kindly to the family having too many crafted items. You may have only 1 crafted item of each type on the lot or in the sim-inventory at a time.
• You may only purchase the cheapest version of any furniture type (chairs, beds, sofas, tables, counters).
• You may not plead with the Grim Reaper, he has a binding contract with the sim Mob.
– You may not move in ghosts or move their urn/tomb from where they landed (exception: some games are glitched by ghosts, if this is the case, you can move them to the home inventory until the bug is no longer effective)

The first household member to rise to the top of the underworld becomes part of the “family”. The Criminal restriction is lifted.

Business – Any Branch

“White hot iron, red hot iron, cold black iron. An Iron taste and iron smell, and everywhere an iron sound.” -Bleakhouse

With government regulators unable to enforce fair labor laws and the remaining businesses able to mistreat their workers who are desperate to keep their jobs, standards of employment have gone down the drain. To get things moving again, a sim may need to use less than politically correct ways to change things.

• Sims may not use vacation days (write permissions).
• Sims who miss a SINGLE day of work for any reason must quit their jobs.
• If Sims lose employment in a career for any reason (quitting or being fired) they may never take a job in that career again. This cross-applies to young adults, adults and elder careers. (For example, Sims who are fired or quit from a job in the Culinary career as young adults may never take another job in the Culinary career, even after they become adults or elders.) This applies to BOTH branches of the career.
• Elders may not retire, they must quit if they wish to stop working.
• You may not ignore chance cards; you MUST select one of the two options.
• Teenagers may not apply for part time jobs.

Once a Sim from the family maxes out the Criminal – Oracle Branch, the government has no choice to bend and stray from the straight and narrow path to get things functioning again. Down with corporate protocols and up with labor rights! The Business restrictions are lifted.

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  • "Black and Third World people are expected to educate White people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate Men. Lesbians and Gay men are expected to educate the Heterosexual world. The Opressors maintain their position and evade their responsibilityfor their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redifining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future."

    -Audre Lourde