Sims4 Legacy Challenge

These rules were found on The Sims 4 Legacy Challenge Rules – The Sims Legacy Challenge

The Legacy Challenge is a set of self-imposed rules meant to change the way you play the game of The Sims 4. By abiding by the restrictions of the challenge and reaching for the goals of the challenge, you will find yourself getting a very different experience from The Sims 4 that you might have playing casually. The Legacy Challenge tasks you with creating a single founder Sim moving them in to a giant lot, and starting out in abject poverty. Your founder must build their house, build their wealth, and ultimately bring in the second generation to continue when they die. In this challenge you play a single family for 10 full generations. With less control over how your children turn out and more challenges thrown your way, the challenge asks the very important question. “What kind of Legacy will you leave?”

Getting Started

The best thing to do when starting your Legacy Challenge is to begin a new game. Do this by selecting the + at the top of the main menu and selecting New Game. This will bring you to Create a Sim (CAS).

Your challenge begins in Create-A-Sim (CAS). There, you must design your founder. Your founder can be just about anything you want and if you have The Sims 4 Get to Work, they can even be an alien! You can pick whatever aspiration you want for them and give them whatever traits you want. Pick out their gender, wardrobe, body shape and color, and even incorporate any CAS custom content or mods. The ONLY two rules are that they must be of the ‘young adult’ age, and they must be the only person in the household.

Take extra care when giving them their name, especially their last name, as many future Sims will have that as part of their name, so make it a good one.

Once you have finished your founder, move them into any empty lot. Return to the world screen. Select your founder on their empty lot and pick “Move Family”.

You may found your family in any neighborhood that has a 50×50 or larger lot.  Locate a 50 x 50 or larger lot and bulldoze it, evicting the family present if there is one. Move your founder into it.

Due to the variable cost of the land, you must use the money cheat (type testingcheats true, then enter, then money x and enter. x being either §1800 or §0 depending on if you are doing a regular or extreme start). You are no longer required to purchase items to bring your money down as Sims’ bills have gotten more “beefy” over the years.

UPDATE FOR SEASONSThe Sims 4 Seasons – If you have you may start your challenge in any of the seasons. Whichever one you prefer. (This is only for the regular start. The Extreme Start will follow a different set of rules. See below)

**EXTREME START OPTION** – With the addition of The Sims 4 Get Together an “Extreme” start (similar to what was in the Sims 2 Legacy Challenge Advanced Rules) is now an option. Successfully completing an extreme start will net you one bonus point (see the Scoring section under “Handicaps” for more details). To start an “Extreme” Legacy Challenge you must move your founder onto one of the new 64 x 64 lots in Windenburg (after the lot on it has been demolished). This will leave you with $8000. Upon moving onto the lot, you must cheat your Sim’s money down to 0. (see the above cheat for help on how to do that).

NOTE: If you don’t want to do an extreme start, but still want to play on a 64 x 64 lot, then cheat the money to §1800 instead of 0.

EXTREME START UPDATE FOR SEASONS – Extreme Start Legacy Challenges MUST be started in Winter if you have the Seasons pack. We wish you luck.

EXTREME START UPDATE FOR GET FAMOUS – To use the new “Chateau Peak” 64 x 64 lot in Del Sol Valley use the cheat “FreeRealEstate On” to purchase the lot for free and bulldoze the house already on it. Once your Sim is moved in, use the money cheat to bring your Sim’s money to 0. Start in Winter as per usual. If you don’t want to do an extreme start on this lot, use the money cheat to bring funds down to §1800. Either way, be prepared for some VERY brutal weekly bills.

**NEW ULTRA EXTREME START FOR GET FAMOUS’S CHATEAU PEAK LOT** – Do you want even MORE of a challenge with the new 64 x 64 lot in Del Sol Valley? Well with the help of some fellow Simmers, I’ve come up with the Ultra Extreme Start for Get Famous. (Special thanks to KotabuckStormyDayzTigerLover78, and SimsMomChelle for the help!) The rules for this new start are as follows:

  • Start the game in Winter
  • Use freerealestate on cheat to get the Chateau Peak lot for “free” (make sure to choose “Bulldoze lot when choosing Chateau Peak to move into)
  • Move Sim onto the now empty Chateau Peak Lot
  • Purchase the Knight of the Octagon Table and then use the money cheat to bring the Sim’s funds to 0
  • The lot must have the “Celebrity Home” Trait
  • In order to pay back the §35,000 “loan” for the lot, you must buy four additional Knights of the Octagon Table and one Viva La Landscape Painting before your founder dies (you may notice this will leave you $5 short on the loan, that’s because your Sim had $5 in their pocket when they bought the lot)
  • You can have your Sims get married while you are repaying the loan
  • Other objects may be purchased while your Sim is repaying the loan, just make sure all five objects are purchased before the founder’s death
  • The five items bought to repay the loan must be kept in the family inventory and not placed on the lot. This restriction is lived once all five objects are purchased and the loan is considered repaid.

Money can be spent however the player wishes as long as they make sure to save up for the loan repayment objects

  • Once the loan is paid off, you can remove the “Celebrity Home” trait from the lot if you don’t plan on making your Sims famous. That will avoid the embarrassed moodlet.

Because of how difficult this start will be, it will be worth TWO additional points rather than one.

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  • "Black and Third World people are expected to educate White people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate Men. Lesbians and Gay men are expected to educate the Heterosexual world. The Opressors maintain their position and evade their responsibilityfor their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redifining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future."

    -Audre Lourde