Sims4 Hired Help Challenge

These rules were found on Mod The Sims – The Hired Help Challenge Setup:
-Make 1 young adult sim in cas with any aspiration or traits you want.
-You may want to move another sim in with your sim, so your sim can still keep their house when they go to work.
-Put them in a starter house and make sure to buy these objects: a tv, a bonsai tree, a woodworking table, an easel, and a punching bag.
-You can use money cheats when making your starter house.
-No getting married or pregnant until the challenge is over


Days 1-3 – Skill Building
Keep your sim on their home lot skilling as much as possible. The most important skills to focus on are cooking, handiness, gardening, painting, and fitness. After you have gained all the skill points you possible can in a three day period, it’s time to go to work.

Day 4-8 – Live-in maid / butler
Preferred Mood: Inspired
Move your sim in with a big family like the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family. Don’t move your sim in with a very rich family like the Goths yet. A rich family is needed for another job your sim will have. Your cooking skill will come in handy here, so make sure to watch the cooking channel on tv when you have nothing else to do. Your job will be to cook, clean, and keep the house in order.

Day 9 -13 – Live-in Gardener
Preferred Mood: Focused
Move your sim in with a household that has a large garden. Your gardening skills will come in handy here. Keep their garden in excellent shape until it’s time to move on to your next job.

Day 14 – 18 – Live in Repairman / Repairwoman
Preferred Mood: Focused
Move your sim in with a household with a medium sized house. Your job will be to fix anything that needs fixing and upgrade anything you can upgrade. When not on the job, keep working on your handiness skill by using the woodworking station (if they have one) or reading a skill book which you have to buy.

Day 19 – 23 – Live in Artist
Preferred Mood: Inspired
A very rich family (either the Goths or the Landgrabs will do) has noticed your artistic talents. They were so impressed with you that they decided to move you in as a live-in artist. You will spend most of your time painting and using a woodworking table to make sculptures. If the household doesn’t have an easel or woodworking table, you may buy it for them. This is the time to focus on your art and handiness skill. You should at least make for them 5 paintings and 3 sculptures all of excellent or masterpiece quality.

Day 24 – 26 – Live in Nanny
Preferred Mood: Playful
Move your sim in with a family that has at least 2 children – not counting teens. Your job will be to take care of the children and babies of the household. If you have enough satisfaction points, you will have to get the mentor trait so you can help the children gain new skills. Your duties will include feeding and changing babies, tidying up the kids’ rooms, socializing with the babies and children, helping the children with their homework and taking children on daily excursions like a trip to the park or the museum. Make sure to keep the children entertained and help them build skills as well.

Day 27 – 30 – Live in Personal Trainer
Preferred Mood: Energized
Move in with a household with one or two sims. You should use your fitness skill to help your client(s) achieve their wanted body shape. Maybe your client is overweight and wants to get fit for health reasons, or maybe your client is thin and wants to build up muscle. Either way, you are to use your fitness skill to motivate them and help them achieve their fitness goals. Being energized is important as well as having fitness skill. Make sure to keep them motivated by giving them pep talks. You can also use your cooking skill to make them healthy nutritious meals like garden salad or a protein plate. You can also use protein shakes to keep your client energized. If you have reached level 9 in fitness, you should use the “practice fighting” interaction. If you have reached level 10 in fitness, you should mentor your client(s) in fitness as much as possible. It also helps to discuss fitness often with your clients at the beginning so they can gain those first points in fitness..

After you finish your duties as a personal trainer, your challenge is over.

+10 for every skill point you have earned
+25 for every friend you have (not counting the kids you took care of as a nanny)
+50 for every lover you have
+10 for every meal with excellent quality
+10 for every plant evolved
+10 for every successful repair made
+25 for every successful upgrade
+25 for every painting made as live-in artist with above good quality.
+50 for every masterpiece painting made as a live-in artist
+50 for every sculpture made as live-in artist.
+50 for being friends with the children your sim took care of. (for each child)
+75 for being good friends with the children your sim took care of. (for each child)
+50 for each child who aged up in a good mood (while your sim was the nanny)
+100 if you used the mentor trait to mentor the kids your sim took care of as the nanny.
+10 for every skill earned by the children your sim took care of.
+20 for each fitness skill point earned by your client (as personal trainer).
+50 if your clients lost weight or gained muscle (for each client).

-25 for every enemy your sim has at the end of the challenge
-10 for every meal with quality below good
-10 for every dead plant
-10 for every unsuccessful repair
-25 for every painting made as live-in artist good quality or below
-25 for being enemies with the children your sim took care of (for each child)
-50 for each child who aged up in a bad mood while your sim was the nanny
-50 if your clients gained weight or lost muscle mass while your sim was a personal trainer.
(for each client)

Your pay:
Take your score and multiply it by 10. That is your pay for all of the jobs your sim has done.

Additional playstyles:
Maybe being a live-in nanny or personal trainer isn’t your cup of tea, or maybe you’re having so much fun that you want to make the challenge longer. Here are a couple extra options for you to try out.

Live-in party planner
Preferred Mood: Confident
While living in your starter home, buy a small bar and a mirror and spend some of your time learning mixology and charisma. Whenever you want to start work, move in with a household of young adult or adult sims like the BFFs or the Roomies. You will spend your time planning and throwing parties for your clients so they may gain friends and move up in society. Practice your mixology and charisma when you’re not working
+25 for every bronze medal party
+50 for every silver medal party
+100 for every gold medal party

Live-in entertainer
Preferred Mood: Inspired
While living in your starter home, buy an instrument of your choice and a comedy microphone and spend some of your time learning comedy and skill in your instruments. Your job is to keep the members of household you’re working for entertained and to entertain at their parties and social functions. If your client(s) has children, you need to use your mentor trait to give them music lessons (If you have maxed out your skill).
+50 for each instrument your sim has over 5 skill points in
+25 for every comedy skill point over 5.
+100 for mentoring your clients or their children in music or comedy.

Live-in caretaker
Preferred Mood: Inspired or Confident
Move your sim in with an elder only household with at least 2 elder sims. Your job will be to take care of the elders and keep them comfortable and happy. Your duties will include cooking their meals, helping them clean their house, planning events for them to meet and make friends with other elders, and helping them learn skills. You should try your best to make friends with them as well.
+25 for being friends with the elders your sim took care of. (for each sim)
+50 for being good friends with the elder your sim took care of. (for each sim)
+25 for every bronze medal social event
+50 for each silver medal social event
+75 for each gold medal social event
+10 for each skill point gained by ea

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  • "Black and Third World people are expected to educate White people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate Men. Lesbians and Gay men are expected to educate the Heterosexual world. The Opressors maintain their position and evade their responsibilityfor their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redifining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future."

    -Audre Lourde