Sims4 Devoted Grandmother Challenge

These rules were found on NEW: Devoted Grandmother Challenge — The Sims Forums

Difficulty: Slightly Hard
Mods: Master Controller
CC: Allowed. Nothing that makes the challenge easy
Lifespan: Normal

She’s always dreamed of being a grandmother, from the day she was born. And now, she is! She’s not going to waste one second away from her grandchildren, even if her slightly rebellious daughter wants her to stay as far away as possible.

Create an elderly lady with the family oriented and perfectionist traits, the third trait and aspiration can be left to your choosing.

In genetics, create her daughter, with the mean, neat, and loner traits, and create the daughter’s husband (any traits). Then, create the daughter and her husband’s two children, a girl and a boy. They can be twins or separated ages, but both are at their toddler life-state.

Move them all into one middle-class home, then split up the daughters family and the grandma. Move the grandma to a small lot worth no more than 50,000 simoleons.

Rules For The Challenge:
• Grandma may never move in with the daughter’s family.
• Grandma has to visit the family at least once every two days, preferably every day, to care for her grandchildren.
• Grandma must not have a job. She has plenty of retirement funds.
• Grandma may not become good friends with her daughter.
• Grandma may not become good friends with the husband.
• Grandma may not get a husband, but can have hobbies that help her in being better for her grandchildren.
• Grandma must take the grandchildren out to a park/lounge etc. once every week, after 3 PM when they leave the school.
• Grandma may invite the children to her home, but she must return them to the family before 8 PM.
• Grandma may not ever drink alcohol when there are others in the room. She is allowed to do so freely.
• Grandma MUST drink the potion of youth to stay alive until the children are young adults.
• Cow plants to regain youth are not allowed whatsoever.
• Making friends with the neighbors is appreciated.


(You are allowed to switch the household briefly every 3 in-game days to check the toddlers’ progress. Do not play them for more than 10 IRL minutes.)

• Master potty training, and 1 other skill for both toddlers.
• Fill the entire friendship bar with both toddlers. ( No Best Friends. )
• Have them each have separate or together birthday parties with at least 7 guests.

( You may switch households to see the progress you have on the children every 3 in-game days, but may not play them for more than 10 IRL minutes.)
If you have get together, you may create a club where the grandma can quickly meet the children at her house or a park.

• Have them each achieve one aspiration, and master one skill besides social skill.
• Have them each achieve an A in school.
• Have them each gain 10 friends, and have a birthday with all their friends invited before they age to teens. (Grandma is allowed to meet children and introduce the kids to them so they will have 10 friends.)

( You may now play the teens freely, but may never touch the mom or dad. You can also invite the teens to live with you for 4 days every week, then return them to their house. This must be done one at a time.)

The teens are now both going through development, and sexual curiosity. The challenge becomes more complicated in order to have the teens avoid the terrible teenagedom.

• Have the teens master the charisma skill, and get another skill to level 6. Have the grandma lecture them both on mischief one time every day.
• Have the teens each get a part time job and reach the top of that job.
• Have each teen meet their life partner, and never date more than once or mess around.
• Have the teens each learn level 3+ in cooking.
• Have the grandma mentor (trait through the aspiration rewards) the kids in logic to level 2.
• Have each teen throw a house party with adults or young adults once.

Young Adult:
Maturity has set in. They also realized how little their mother and father influenced their life. They have both moved in with the grandma to take care of her.

• Have the kids get to level 5 of their new careers.
• Have each kid master 4 skills, (including charisma and the other skills learned during teenagehood.)
• Have the kids marry, and get pregnant with their spouse before moving out.

Challenge End:
She has completed her ultimate goal.. To raise brilliant kids who will never have to worry about their lives. She can finally rest peacefully.

• Have the grandma die from too much energy usage.

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  • "Black and Third World people are expected to educate White people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate Men. Lesbians and Gay men are expected to educate the Heterosexual world. The Opressors maintain their position and evade their responsibilityfor their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redifining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future."

    -Audre Lourde