Sims4 Big Brother Challenge

These rules were found on Mod The Sims – Big Brother Challenge – Sims 4 Edition!

For those of you who don’t know, Big Brother is a reality show where a number of people (usually 12-16) are locked in a house together and must vote someone out every week until only one person is left in the house and crowned the winner. This is exactly how it works in the Sims, but with the added bonus of letting Sims AI go wild.

Create 8 Sims (or more if you have the mods to allow it. I personally enjoy stuffing around 14 of the nutters into a house) of various ages and personalities. This is really where you can have the most fun with the challenge, as it’s where you’ll make the actual contestants. Do you want to make 8 of the most ridiculous reality show stereotypes? Do you want to use 8 Sims you’ve already played with and made? Do you wanna use 8 completely randomized Sims? It’s your choice! Ideally you should have a 50/50 male/female split, but if you want to disregard that rule, go ahead! You’re Big Brother here! 

Next, you need to make the house. Again, you can really have fun with this. You can give them a luxurious, million dollar mansion or a trashy, 2-room trailer. Although just to keep things a bit sane, you should follow the following guidelines:
– Have at least one sleeping spot for every Sim. Whether this means every person getting their own bed, everyone having to nap on a sofa, or everyone having to share a double bed is up to you.
– You should have a large sitting area for everyone, and a dining room.
– You should give them a kitchen with the necessary appliances to make meals (fridge, stove, microwave, etc.).
– You should also give them a functional bathroom, with at least one toilet, one sink, and one shower. Also, speaking from experience I can say that only giving them one toilet and one shower can really slow down the action and entertainment, since everyone will be waiting to use them. You can be sadistic in handing out potty privileges, but it’s probably your best bet to give them 2 or 3 toilets and showers.
– Just for fun, give them a fireplace >: )
– Since the whole idea is that the Sims are cut off from the outside world inside the house, you should NOT give them any of the following:
— TVs
— Computers
— Radios/ Music players
— Bookcases/ Books in general
— Any hobby or skill building items
— Fire alarms
— Burglar alarms
– Also, in the vein of being cut off, you should make it so that the Sims are unable to leave the house until their eviction. Until someone makes a mod that enables locking doors, this means deleting the front door. (EDIT: Our Lord and savior, scumbumbo, has made a door locking mod!)

Alright, with all that out of the way, it’s on to the actual game!

Once everyone moves into the house, you are no longer allowed to control them. From here on out, the Sims are their own entity, and based on what they do and who they hang out with, they will directly control their fates in the game. You are Big Brother, and while you can punish or reward them based on what they do in the house, you main job is to watch them as everything plays out. If someone dies, oh well! You can have someone else come in to replace them, but once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Money should not be an issue; since you’ll be using so much money to furnish the house and buy task items, just cheat it in. However, feel free to make life in the house as easy or hard as possible. Take away showers and toilets when Sims don’t clean them. Force them to wake up at 6 AM every day with a wake up call. They’re gonna have to WORK to win this game!

Weekly Tasks:
This is how you determine who leaves the house. Every week you should provide them with some task to do (usually skill building), and the person who fails this task is evicted from the house. What I’ve provided below is a sort of “Default” list of weekly tasks, and by all means feel free to change it up. You may want to reward the person who succeeds the most at that week’s task, or give/take away luxury items from the house depending on how well they do as a whole.

Week 1: Painting Task
Buy enough easels for every Sim to have one. Leave them there for the week. The Sims should use these easels and build up their painting skill over the course of the week. The Sim with the highest painting skill at the end of the week wins, while the Sim with the lowest skill is kicked out of the house. As an added twist, sell the paintings the Sims make to buy something nice for the house.

Week 2: Chess Task
Give the house enough chess boards for every person. Same as last week, they should play chess over the course of the week to build up their logic skill. Again, Sim with the highest logic skill is rewarded, while the Sim with the lowest skill is kicked out.

Week 3: Social Task
This week, we let the house have a little fun! Give them bars, card tables, anything they need to have fun and get to know each other better! This week is all about socializing and building up relationships. The Sim with the best relationships in the house wins and is rewarded, while the Sim with the lowest relationships is kicked out!

Week 4: Athletic Task
Provide the house again with enough athletic equipment for everyone. Like the skill tasks before, this week the Sims must get jacked to stay in. Whoever has the highest athletic skill at the end is rewarded, while whoever has the lowest skill is once again kicked out.

Week 5: Music Task
As there are fewer and fewer people in the house, the Sims get a chance to wind down with some music. Give the house enough musical instruments- guitars, pianos, violins, french horns, accordions, whatever- and let them make wonderful music. Whoever has the highest skill in their instrument at the end of the week wins, while the person with the lowest skill gets the boot. For added fun, give each person a different instrument and have them make the first ever Big Brother band!

Week 6: Outside the House!
Now that we’re down to the last few people, everyone finally gets the opportunity to leave the house! Every day, take them all out to a venue and let them run wild in public. Maybe take them to the park one day, and to the bar the next. You can make these trips outside as long or as short as you want, but their goal this week, aside from having fun, is to form relationships outside the house. They should make friendships with people in the outside world. However, the only twist is they cannot invite these people back to the house, meaning all socialization must be done while outside the house. At the end of this week, whoever has the most and the strongest relationships outside the house is once again rewarded, while the person with the lowest outside relationships gets kicked out.

Week 7: The Grand Finale!
If you’re playing with 8 Sims, you should be down to the final 2 at this point! They’ve both fought hard to make it this far, but at long last it’s time for one final task to determine who is the champion. I’ve come up with two final tasks here, but as always, feel free to come up with your own.
-Task 1: The Final Assessment– For this last week, give the Final Two EVERYTHING. Give them every skill item, every entertainment item, give them access to the outside world, spare them nothing. This week it’s a mad dash to practice as many skills as possible, because at the end of the week you will subject them both to a final assessment of their time in the house. Come up with a scoring system of some kind: +1 point for every skill point gained, +2 points for every friend made, +5 points for being the winner of the weekly task, etc. You should give them points for their accomplishments, and take away points for failures. Whoever has the highest score is the winner!
-Task 2: Get a Job– For this last week, the Final Two must get a job. They must build the skills and form the relationships necessary to advance in their career. Whoever is the highest in their job at the end of the week wins!

Once the winner has been determined, you should reward them accordingly. Make them a millionaire, grant them their every wish, or for an added twist of irony give them the house! They’ve won, so they deserve it!

And of course, you can completely disregard everything I said above and come up with your own system for kicking people out. You’re Big Brother, so it’s your choice! I hope you guys enjoy trying out this challenge!

EDIT: Another fun way to do this challenge, and the way I prefer it, is with the American/Canadian rules. This version is a bit more complex, but arguably more fun. It encourages kicking unpopular people out of the house, though, so you may not want to try it if you love your drama machines!

-For this version, you’re probably gonna need more than 8 Sims, so be prepared to use a mod.
-You will need to create at least 3 different bedrooms: One nice, luxurious bedroom; one or more average bedrooms; and one cheap, trashy bedroom.
-On the first day in the house, give the Sims some easy challenge to do (i.e. stay on the treadmill, make a meal, etc.) this will act as the first weekly task. Whoever does best at this challenge will become the Head of Household, or HoH for short. The HoH will be allowed to sleep in the private luxurious bedroom (dubbed the “HoH Room”) and will be safe from eviction for the week. However, they will also have to nominate two other Sims for eviction.
-The 2/3/4 Sims who do worst in the challenge will become the “Have-Nots” for the week. The Have-Nots must sleep in the trashy bedroom, and will be forced to clean any messes/ fix any broken appliances in the house. You can also force them to wear embarrassing costumes for added fun 
-After this, give them the weekly task as usual.
-About halfway through the week, look at the HoH’s relationships with their housemates. The two people the HoH has the lowest relationship with will be nominated for eviction. You can have the HoH insult or argue with the people they’re nominating just to be a jerk.
-At the end of the week (Saturday/Sunday) everyone should gather in the living room for the eviction vote. Check the relationships of each of the housemates. Each person will vote to evict the nominee they have the lowest relationship with. For obvious reasons, the two nominees won’t vote, and the HoH will only vote in the event of a tie. Whoever gets the most votes will be evicted from the house!
-After this, look at the results of the weekly task. Whoever performed best will become the new HoH, and the people who did worst will become the new Have-Nots (NOTE: I just realized I forgot to say this: One person cannot be HoH two weeks in a row, but they can be a Have-Not two weeks in a row).
-Repeat this cycle until the final two. At this point you can come up with a final challenge (such as the helpful ones I provided above! . Whoever wins that is the winner!

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  • "Black and Third World people are expected to educate White people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate Men. Lesbians and Gay men are expected to educate the Heterosexual world. The Opressors maintain their position and evade their responsibilityfor their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redifining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future."

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