These rules were found on The Sims 4 Astronaut Legend Challenge — The Sims Forums

  • Start off with a YA sim. They must have the Genius trait and a “socially awkward” one too (Loner, Clumsy, etc.)
  • Move them into an empty lot. You may place a bed (Or tent if you have Outdoor Retreat) and a toilet (Or a bush if you have Get Together), but only a fridge if there are no plants in the neighborhood. Oh, and the rocket.
  • Once done, use “testingcheats on” and “Money (number)” to set your simoleons to 0.
  • The goal of the challenge is to improve your Charisma and Rocket Science skills, and climb through the ranks of the Astronaut career.

Now, time for the difficulty levels.

In order to win, you need:
-At least level 7 in the Rocket Science Skill.
-Get to the top of the Astronaut career to unlock a new rocket, and then build it.
-A house.
-At least level 4 Charisma Skill.
The rules are:
You may join the Astronaut career once you have level 2 Charisma.
You can use your funds to build a house once you have a job and have finished your rocket.
The house is not considered “finished” until it has a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and proper flooring/wallpaper.
You can purchase Aspiration Rewards.
You may only use Lot Traits when you have a house.

In order to win, you need:
-To max out the Rocket Science Skill.
-To get to the top of the Astronaut career, and build the reward rocket.
-To own a house.
-At least level 6 Charisma Skill.
The rules are:
You may join the Astronaut career once you have level 4 Charisma. No other jobs; nobody else is willing to hire an outcast like you!
You can use your funds to build a house once you have a job, have finished your rocket, and have level 2 Handiness Skill.
The house is not considered “finished” until it has a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room, and proper flooring/wallpaper.
You can purchase Aspiration Rewards, as long as they do not speed up how fast you increase your work performance or Rocket Science.
You may only use Lot Traits when you have a house.

In order to win, you need:
-To max out the Rocket Science Skill.
-Get to the top of the Astronaut career, and build the reward rocket.
-To own a house.
-To max out your Charisma Skill.
-At least level 6 Handiness Skill.
The rules are:
You may join the Astronaut career once you have level 4 Charisma, and have finished the rocket. No other jobs; nobody else is willing to hire an outcast like you!
You can use your funds to build a house once you have a job, have finished your rocket, and have level 4 Handiness Skill.
The house is not considered “finished” until it has a living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, study, and proper flooring/wallpaper.
No Aspiration Rewards.
No Lot Traits.

=Brief Mode=
First of all, some rule differences.
Your Sim must be an Adult (if female) or Elder (if male)
You can have a house, but after that, set your money to §500.
Set your lifespan to short.
The winning requirements are the same as the regular modes.
The rules are:
Your heir may join the Astronaut Career if their parent did. If not, they must do the required thing for the difficulty level.
Each heir must have the Genius trait.
When the current heir or founder dies, the heir may continue their work on the rocket.
Non-heirs may have jobs in the Easy or Normal modes, but not on Hard.

%Points% (Optional)
+1 for every required Skill Point gained. (Rocket Science, etc.)
+2 for every non-required Skill Point gained. (Fishing, etc.)
+3 for every non-required Skill Point for a required Skill gained. (For example, level 7 Charisma.)
+10 for every Milestone completed.
+40 for every Aspiration completed.
+15 for every goal of the challenge completed.
+3 for every Whim completed.
+5 instead if the Whim was caused by your Emotion.
+4 for every friend made.
+8 for every BFF made.
+5 for every promotion.
+30 for winning the challenge on Easy, +50 on Normal, and +100 on Hard.

-1 for every time relationship is lost.
-5 if your Sim passes out or pees themselves.
-5 for every Aspiration Reward purchased.
-3 if you get a job besides Astronaut. (Easy Mode only)
-5 for every negative relationship.
-4 if a Genius-exclusive interaction fails.
-10 for catching on fire, getting electrocuted, or eaten by a Cowplant.
-4 if you lose a friend.
-10 if you get your power shut off .(Unless you have the bills glitch)
-10 if the water is shut off, too.
-15 if a rocket crashes.
-5 if your Sim becomes Embarrassed (The emotion, not just a moodlet)
-30 if your Sim dies on Hard, -50 on Normal, and -100 on Easy

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  • "Black and Third World people are expected to educate White people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate Men. Lesbians and Gay men are expected to educate the Heterosexual world. The Opressors maintain their position and evade their responsibilityfor their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redifining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future."

    -Audre Lourde