“I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles…”
-Christopher Reeve

If you know anything about Superman great if not that’s ok, I’m going to keep it basic. Superman is sent to earth as the last son of Krypton by his alien family. His people basically destroyed their own world. He is abandoned and ultimately alone. The last Son of Krypton, the last of his people, which is a huge weight to carry.
“The “AMAZING” can only be created by facing fear, risk, and failure in the process”
He is alone trying to figure out what he is, where he is, who he is, and where he is from. He knows he’s different and knows that he is different and that he doesn’t really belong. Trying to find his place among humankind he feels this great responsibility. A great debt, obligation; after all he was spared so that he may be the legacy that lives on. So, he wants to in turn give to others what he was given………………. a chance to survive.
“A superhero is just an ordinary person who has found a better way to mask their human frailties.”
– Superman.
Superman knows that deep down no one can understand him because no one can ever truly know him or what he is. Those who do are at risk. He is a liability; people close to him are in danger because he exists. If there is war or as long as he has enemies his loved ones could die. He is burdened by this fact, having to save people from himself.
“There is a superhero in all of us we just need to find the courage to put on the cape”
His has strong morals and values. Superman is selfless, compassionate, and empathetic. Everything he does is for others. He does this not because he must, but for the hope that he has in humanity. That people can do better and be better before we destroy ourselves as well. Despite his weakness Kryptonite, he would gladly die if that meant those he cares about can live.
“How others see you is not important. How you see yourself means everything.”
The Man of Steel is anything but human; though he wants what all humans want. The simple things like love, family, a place he belongs a home, and not to feel alone. I would even say he wants to be known without consequence. Superman pushes these feelings to the side because he has to it’s what best not for him, but better than the alternative.
“I once thought I could protect the world by myself, but I was wrong.”
I find purpose in other people what I can do for they and how I can fill their needs. Or I find purpose in things like task. I don’t however find purpose in myself. I carry a lot of weight, pick up slack where there is slack, and am dependable. I pride myself in those things because those are genuinely good thing to be in service of others. I don’t however find purpose within myself and tend not to lean on others. Which I guess comes full circle. I am in no way shape or form anything like Superman nor am I comparing myself to him. I could only aspire to be as compassionate and selfless as him. Sometimes I don’t know if it’s that I must be alone, that I am actually alone, that I choose to be alone, or a combination of all three.
I must be alone because trust isn’t easy. People have given me lots of reasons not to trust them.
Even in a room full of people I have always been alone. Unheard, unprotected, uncared for………
Maybe I choose to alone because I guess because it’s easier………… Or at least it feels that way; nothing can affect me, and I don’t have to be a weight on other people. No one must know me or my damage, deal with me, or be hurt by me. I can’t be hurt or disappointed. Maybe I keep this wall up to protect myself. I just don’t know if I can or should anymore. I’m literally crushing myself keeping myself disconnected. I want to try to be better and feel better. I just don’t know how or where to start and I’m afraid.
I am signing off ladies, gents, unicorns, beings from another world or whomever you choose to identify as this is Teneshia La’Rae from Bipolar Daily!