Panda TV

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Medium: Mixed Media

Air Dry Clay, Paper Towels, Cardboard, Recycled/ Scrap Paper, Craft Sticks, Floral Foam, Masking Tape, Picture Frames, Shelf Liner, Tissue Paper, Empty Bottles, Bleach, Screws, Battery Operated Lights, Vinyl Paper, Glass Beads, Wooden Beads, Wooden Shapes, Picture Wire, Yarn, Latch Hook Canvas, Thumb Tacks, Clothes Pins, Para Cord, Aluminum Foil, Scrap Particle Board, Acrylic Paint, Card Stock, White Glue, Mod Podge, Hot Glue, Gorilla Glue, Rope, Puffy Paint, Old Computer and TV Cords, Electric Tape, Paper Clips, Sticky Notes, Razors, Glass, Mirror, Magnets, Lighter

About This Piece:

The character is in the form of a Panda. It is built around a open boxed frame with a piece of glass to protect details closer to the back. I used blended up scrap paper to create texture and air dry clay to form the skull half. Half of the head is in the form of a skull and has bits of fur poking up, as if it was trying to break through the cracks. I painted the Panda black, gray, and white to represent black and white thinking and how sometimes we don’t see gray area’s. The difference between right and wrong or my way or the highway and so forth. We see things either or, though they tend not to be that simple. When we refuse to see or neglect certain parts within ourselves pieces of us tend to die off.

The right eye is painted like a No Signal TV Broadcast. Like you look but nothing really seems to be there. We choose to see what we choose to see on the outside. The left eye is voided with black tears falling out of its socket. The wires hanging out are just part of the exposure. 

The broom, exposed rug, and the trash flowing from

outside in are about the mess that at the end of the day we are left to clean up. It’s also about pushing down how we feel and sweeping it under the rug so we don’t have to deal with our internal selves. The rag is about picking up dusting of and keeping it moving.

The Open Fridge and Snacks literally represent emotional eating. The Rope, Razors, Lighter, and Pills are about Self- Harm. It’s about distraction. A physical manifestation of emotional pain and trauma. 

The Pink Figure that seems to be drinking the bleach represents a version of my past self trying to flush out all the things that disgust me. 

The TV Remote, Side Panel, and Plugged- In Cord are about control and wanting everything to shut off. The Remote controls the Lights and is meant to show how sometimes we have no choice and are forced to look at our situations.

Overall the piece is meant to convey Vulnerability, Flooding, Coping, Avoidance, Hopelessness and Void.

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  • "Black and Third World people are expected to educate White people as to our humanity. Women are expected to educate Men. Lesbians and Gay men are expected to educate the Heterosexual world. The Opressors maintain their position and evade their responsibilityfor their own actions. There is a constant drain of energy which might be better used in redifining ourselves and devising realistic scenarios for altering the present and constructing the future."

    -Audre Lourde