My name is Teneshia I am a Mixed media Artist/ Entrepreneur. I just opened a new business called ArtMind.tld and am a stay-at-home Caretaker. I just started an Art and Recovery Wellness Group that I teach on Tuesdays at BCCS Hopes & Dreams | Peer Support & Resource Center. I used to teach Art and Life Skills Classes with the Boys & Girls Club Pegasus Art Program as well as The New Castle County Juvenile Detention Center and their Cottages.
I have Bipolar Disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). I strongly believe that though I have limitations my disorders should not be used as an excuse or crutch. Despite these challenges if I do something or my symptoms get out of control and affect me or someone else; I must take responsibility for my actions, and I must hold myself accountable. I am not my Disorders and they are not separate from me. Though they are a part of who I am and it is ultimately my responsibility to make do with and manage my symptoms. It is my responsibility to learn to adapt and adjust to my limitations.
I believe that life is ultimately what you make it. I cannot control the outside forces at work or how I feel about people or situations. I can do what I need to do for me, I can choose to do what is needed. I fall flat on my face sometimes but I think it’s important to get back up. As long as I get back up I will be ok. I am human and we are faulty as such. There is no such thing as normal or perfect but there is always better.
I have always been an artist. At this point, it’s probably ingrained in my biology somehow. My parents range in different talents and skills. Being a Mixed Media Artist just means I use a combination of different mediums to create my pieces. I am currently working on what I like to call “Trigger Works”. I experienced a really big loss a few years ago and found myself drawing some intense things. Then I started writing things down on sticky notes, thoughts, moments memories. I realized sticky notes may not be the smartest idea because I ended up leaving them sitting out and my spouse was like wtf. So I wrote them in my sketch pad and started drawing over top of them. The process has been challenging, however, I do believe that the imagery has helped me convey things that have been hard to say out loud.
I have a gorgeous wife named Golda she has OCD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Spastic Triplegia Cerebral Palsy (CP). Golda has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Wilmington University and has also defied all expectations and not let her physical disability define her. Our life is full of roller coasters going up and down and in circles, but it is crazy beautiful.
My Pets include my Nervous Nova and Hermit Crabs.
I have decided to start this Blog to share my/ our experiences. Hopefully, in sharing our experiences I can offer some education or help someone in a similar situation. Either way, this is me I am Teneshia La’Rae D. and I am Bipolar Daily! (Literally)